No speaking engagements at this time. Check back for updates.
"Minimum Standards of Treatment" (Online, International Law Institute, 2 December 2020).
Panellist, “Addressing Issues of Alleged Corruption” (Salzburg, Centre for International Legal Studies, 11 June 2020).
Co-Chair and Panel Moderator, 14th Annual Juris Conference on Investor-State Law and Arbitration: A Debate and Discussion (Online, May 2020).
"Standards of Treatment" (Washington, D.C., International Law Institute, 5 November 2019).
Panellist, “NAFTA Chapter 11 – Looking Forward While Glancing Backward” Canadian Council on International Law Annual Conference (Ottawa, 25 October 2019).
Co-Chair, 13th Annual Juris Conference on Investor-State Law and Arbitration: A Debate and Discussion (Washington, D.C., 8 April 2019).
“NAFTA 2.0, or Maybe Just v. 1.2 Instead” (New Orleans, Tulane University School of Law Conference on International Energy Law, 29 March 2019).
Panellist, “Investment Arbitration: Is the Fair and Equitable Treatment Standard Getting Clearer?” (Salzburg, Centre for International Legal Studies, 7 June 2018).
Moderator, “Investment Court Model: A Practical Review,” Association of International Arbitration Conference on the Future of Investment Arbitration in Europe (Brussels, 1 June 2018).
Co-Chair, 12th Annual Juris Conference on Investor-State Law and Arbitration: A Debate and Discussion (Washington, D.C., 6 March 2018).
Keynote Address: "The Shared Roots of Human Rights and Investment Treaty Arbitration" (San Jose, Costa Rica, Arbitraje, Derechos Humanos y Pas, ULACIT, 13 March 2018).
"Transplanting the WTO Dispute Settlement Model for Use with Investment Obligations: Be Careful What You Ask for Because You Just Might Get It (Copenhagen, Danish National Research Foundation Centre for Excellence for International Courts, 1 February 2018).
"Standards of Treatment" (Washington, International Law Institute, 29 November 2017).
"Arbitration in the Context of 'One Belt and One Road': China and International Perspectives" (Sydney, University of New South Wales, China International & Economic Law Seminar, 11 October 2017).
"Defenestrating the Trope of Expansionist ISDS Tribunals Diminishing State Sovereignty" (Amsterdam, Amsterdam Center for International Law, 27 June 2017).
"Update on Trade Agreements and Trading Frameworks in International Trade Law and Inter‑Tribal Trade" (Norman, OK, International Inter-tribal Trade and Investment Organization, 6 June 2017).
Co-Chair, 11th Annual Juris Conference on Investor-State Law and Arbitration: A Debate and Discussion (Washington, D.C., 25 April 2017).
"Standards of Treatment" (Washington, International Law Institute, 1 December 2016).
"The Treatment of Corruption in International Investment Arbitration" (Salzberg, Centre for International Legal Studies, 4 June 2016).
Co-Chair of Tenth Annual Arbitration Conference (Washington, Juris Conferences, 12-13 May 2016).
"Standards of Treatment" (Washington, International Law Institute, 4 December 2015).
Discussant, Session 3: Public International Law or International Public Law? (Oxford, Oxford University Press Summer Investment Law Academy, 13 July 2015).
"Investment Treaty Arbitration Update: U.S. Practice, From BITs to NAFTA to CAFTA to KORUS to TPP and maybe TTIP too!" (Boise, Idaho Bar Association, 29 April 2015).
Co-Chair of Ninth Annual Arbitration Conference (Washington, Juris Conferences, 22 April 2015).
"Recent Trends in Canadian International Investment Law" (London, ON: Faculty of Law, University of Western Ontario, 1 April 2015).
"Damages in International Investment Law" (Franfurt: Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 21 March 2015).
Discussant, History of International Investment Law Session (Frankfurt, Frankfurt Investment Law Workshop 2015, 13 March 2015).
"Standards of Treatment" (Washington, International Law Institute, 4 November 2014).
"Mass Claims / Multi-Party Arbitration under Investment Treaties" (Salzberg, Centre for International Legal Studies, 23 May 2014).
Panelist, "The Investor-State Dispute Settlement Mechanism: An Examination of Benefits and Costs" (Washington, Cato Institute, 20 May 2014).
Panelist, "NAFTA Chapter 11: Latest Developments" (New York, American Bar Association, 4 April 2014).
Co-Chair of Eighth Annual Arbitration Conference (Washington, Juris Conferences, 28 March 2014).
Panelist, "Latest Developments in EU-Canada and EU-US Trade Treaties" (Frankfurt, German American Lawyers Association Conference on Transatlantic Law, 21 March 2014).
Special Guest, Book Reception, "Interpretation of International Investment Law" (Washington, International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes, 27 February 2014).
"Standards of Treatment" (Washington, International Law Institute, 6 November 2013).
"National Treatment," Conferencve on International Investment Agreements: Balancing Sustainable Development and Investment Protection (Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin & Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 10 October 2013).
Co-Chair of Seventh Annual Arbitration Conference (Washington, Juris Conferences, 22 April 2013).
"Let’s Not Visit the Potemkin Village of Investment Protection," Fordham Law School Conference on International Arbitration and Mediation (New York, 12 April 2013).
"Trade and Investment: Just Two Ships Passing in the Night?," Santa Clara University Symposium on The Law and Politics of Foreign Investment (Santa Clara, CA, 2 February 2013).
Co-Chair of Sixth Annual Arbitration Conference (Washington, Juris Conferences, 27 March 2012)."Can Courts both Defer to and Assist Arbitration: Experience of Canada and the United States Compared" (Washington, Washington College of Law at American University, 16 November 2011).
"Canadians in International Arbitration: A 'State of the Union' Address" (Calgary, Western Canadian Arbitrators' Round Table, 16 May 2011).
"International Investment and International Human Rights Law: Seeking Re-Convergence" (Leiden, NL, Leiden University Faculty of Law, 8 April 2011).
Guest Speaker, "International Investment Law and National Tobacco Regulation" (Durham, N.C., Duke University School of Law, 6 April 2011).
Co-Chair of Fifth Annual Arbitration Conference and Panel Discussant on Most Favoured Nation Treatment (Washington, Juris Conferences, 5 April 2011).
Moderator, "International Trade Law and International Investment Law: Convergence or Divergence?" (Washington, D.C., American Society of International Law, Annual General Meeting, 25 March 2011).
Roundtable Panelist, "Are the Substantive Provisions of CAFTA an Evolution from the NAFTA Experience?" (Washington, D.C., Washington College of Law, 17 February 2011).
"International Commercial Arbitration as a Growth Activity?" (Geneva, Global Arbitration Forum, 9 December 2010).
Instructor, "Standards of Treatment" (Washington, International Law Institute, 5 & 8 November 2011).
Panel Co-Chair, "Investment Arbitration, Canada and Natural Resources" (Ottawa,Canadian Council on International Law, 29 October 2010).
"Emergency Measures: Custom, Treaty and Basic Principles" (Malibu, Pepperdine University, 22 October 2010).
"The Quick Exit: Preliminary Objections and SummaryDismissal Proceedings in ICSID Arbitration" (Vancouver, International Bar Association, 6 October 2010).
Testimony to Joint Standing Committee on Health on Tobacco Control Measures and International Law (Montevideo,Parliament of Uruguay, 23-24 August, 2010).
Panel Chair, Perspectives on Investment Law (Barcelona, Society of International Economic Law, 8 July 2010).
"Primer on EU-Asia Investment Issues" (Brussels, ASEFUAN-IGIR Dialogues, 11 June 2010).
"Update on Recognition and Enforcement" (Toronto, Federated Press, 2 June 2010).
"Territoriality and the Meaning of Investment in International Law" (London, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 7 May 2010).
Co-Chair of Fourth Annual Arbitration Conference and Panel Discussant on Most Favoured Nation Treatment (Washington, Juris Conferences, 30 April 2010).
"Update on Arbitrator Challenges in Investor-State Disputes" (New York, American Bar Association, 14 March 2010).
Chair of Two-Day Memorial Conference for Thomas Walde (St. Andrew's, University of Dundee Centre for Energy, Petroleum & Minerals Law & Policy).
"Investment Protection and Arbitration in the Korea U.S. Free Trade Agreement" (New York, Columbia University Law School, 13 July 2009).
ABA Luncheon on Money Damages for Violations of International Trade Law (Washington, American Bar Association, 1 July 2009).
"Treaty Shopping 101" (Calgary, Western Canada Arbitrators Roundtable, 13 May 2009).
Co-Chair of Third Annual Arbitration Conference (Juris Conferences, 30 April 2009).
"Latest Trends in Investor-State Arbitration" (New York, Practising Law Institute, Arbitration Day, 24 March 2009).
"Doctrinal Convergence in International Law: Not Just Precedent by Another Name" (Mexico City, Universidad Ibero Americana, NAFTA at 15 Conference, 17 February 2009).
Invited Private Sector Delegate, UNCTAD Experts Group Meeting on Investment Treaties (Geneva, 10-11 January 2009).
"Impact of Arbitration on Treaty Drafting" and "Potential Judicialisation of the Process" (Washington, D.C., APEC Investment Agreement Workshop, 7 November, 2008).
"The Treatment of Environmental and SPS Measures in International Investment Law" (Suffolk University Law School, Investor-State Arbitration: Perspectives on Legitimacy and Practice, 31 October 2008).
Standard of Treatment (Rio de Janiero, International Law Association, Annual General Meeting, 20 August 2008).
Moderator, Non Traditional IEL Participants Panel (Geneva, Society of International Economic Law, 16 July 2008).
Key Note Address on the Status and Future of NAFTA Investment Arbitration (Mexico City, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Investment Arbitration Forum, 20 June 2009).
"Signs of Convergence in International Ecnomic Treaty Interpretation" (London, British Institute of International & Comparative Law Annual WTO Conference, 13 May 2008).
Co-Chair of Second Annual Arbitration Conference and Panel Discussant on National Treatment (Juris Conferences, 24 April 2008).
"The Contribution of Investment to Economic Growth and Development" and "Survey of ITAs in APEC Economies" "Scope of ITAs and Investment Chapters in FTAs in Selected APEC Economies" and "Admission and Establishment" and "Investment Treaty Dispute Resolution" (Singapore, APEC Investment Agreement Workshop, 5-7 May 2008).
"The MFN Principle" (New York, Columbia University Law School, 27 March 2008).
Roundtable on Investment Arbitration (Frankfurt, 1st Annual Franfurt Investment Arbitration Moot Symposium, 14 February 2008).
“Trade and Investment: Harmonization?” and “Day One Recap and Day Two Introduction” (Quito, Ecuador, Cameron May Conference, 30 November & 1 December 2007).
“MFN and Harmonization in International Investment Law” (New York, Columbia Law School, 31 October 2007).
“The State of International Commercial Arbitration in Canada” (Toronto, Association of Young Canadian Arbitrators, 27 September 2007).
“Precedent in International Investment Law?” Panel Moderator (London, British Institute of International & Comparative Law, 14 September 2007).
Conference Chairman and Moderator, “Treaty MFN: Which Way to Go?”; Discussant, “The Issue of Intent in National Treatment Analyses” Discussant (Washington, D.C., Juris Conferences, 17 May 2007).
“Good Faith and the Formation of a Single Standard of Investment Protection” (Santa Clara, California, International Law Association, 3 February 2007).
Participant in Experts’ Meeting on International Investment Law and Arbitration, University of California – Berkeley (12 January 2007).
“Recent American Treaty Practice on the International Law Minimum Standard of Treatment” (Seoul, Hanyang University School of Law, 24 November 2006).
“Investment Arbitration as a Great Consolidator? Musings from a Mutant” (Bretton Woods, American Society of International Law, International Economic Law Group, 10 November 2006).
“Environmental Regulation under International Investment Discipline” (Miami, American Bar Association, 8 November 2006).
“Assessing the Investment Claims Avalanche in the Americas” Program Chair (Miami, American Bar Association, 8 November 2006).
“Canadians, the ICSID and ad hoc Investment Arbitration” (Montreal, Young Canadian Arbitration Practitioners / Canadian Chamber of Commerce, 27 October 2006).
“When the Politics of Investment Go Awry: Recent Lessons from Ecuador” (Calgary, International Association of Petroleum Negotiators, 19 May 2006).
“Expropriation by Taxation” (London: British Institute of International and Comparative Law Investment Treaty Forum, 5 May 2006).
“Cross-Atlantic Dialogue on Regulatory Takings” (Brussels: American Bar Association, 26 October 2005).
“Native American Participation in International Economic Dispute Settlement: Two Stories” (Prague: International Bar Association, 26 September 2005).
“The Public – Private Distinction in International Economic Law: Still Relevant in 2005?” (Washington: American Society of International Law, 31 March 2005).
“The Role of Private Counsel in the Practice of WTO Law” (Toronto: Ontario Bar Association, International Law Section, 8 March 2005).
“Commentary on Trade and Security: Waking up to a Post-Westphalian Reality” (Washington: American Society of International Law, International Economic Law Section, 25 February 2005).
“The Trade Lawyer’s Perspective on Trying to Keep Toronto Trash out of Michigan” (Lansing: Institute for Public Policy & Social Research, 23 February 2005).
“NAFTA 1-2-3” (San Diego: San Diego Bar Association, 19 January 2005).
“Two Interesting Developments in International Investment Law” (San Francisco: Association of American Law Schools, 5 January 2004).
“Ten Years of NAFTA Investment Arbitration: An Experts’ Roundtable” (Houston: American Bar Association International Law Section, 14 October 2004).
“Beef, Lumber and Off-shoring: the Politics of Trade Today” (Chicago: John Marshall Law School & Chicago Bar Association, 17 September 2004).
“The Perils of the a la carte Approach to GATS Architecture: Tens Years Later” (London: British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 12 May 2004).
“Coordination and Coherence in International Economic and Human Rights Laws” (Washington, DC: Georgetown Law Center and the American Society of International Law; Rapporteur; 6 April 2004).
“NAFTA Investment Law and Arbitration: the Early Years” (Washington, DC: American University; Conference Organizer, Co-chair and Presenter, 22 March 2004).
“The GATS After Cancun: Where Do We Go from Here?” (Toronto: Osgoode Hall and the University of Toronto, 6 March 2004).
“Case Studies in Trade in Services” (Toronto: Canada – US Law Institute, 26 February 2004).
”Multilateral Investment Protection: Lessons from the WTO Acquis” (Halle, Germany: Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg Faculty of Law, 17 January 2004).
“Welcome Back Mr. Calvo” (Miami: American Arbitration Association, Inter-American Bar Association and Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission, 29 January 2004).
“Free Trade in Garbage?” (Detroit: Wayne State University, 29 October 2003).
“Culture and Trade: Dichotomy or a Distinction without a Difference?” (Chicago: John Marshall Law School, 14 November 2003).
“Minimum Standards and International Law” (East Lansing: Detroit College of Law at Michigan State University, 17 October 2003).
“National Treatment: Not Just for WTO Lawyers Any More” (San Francisco: American Bar Association, 10 August 2003).
“The Non-Discrimination Principle in International Investment Law” (Cologne, Germany: University of Cologne, 12 June 2003).
“Canadian Cultural Policy Ten Years After the NAFTA – Is Harmonization a Cause or an Effect?” (Windsor: University of Windsor Law School, 14 June 2003).
“The Convergence of WTO and NAFTA Law – a Matter of Both Process and Substance” (Chicago: Chicago Kent Law School, 5 March 2003).
“NAFTA Norms” (New York: Columbia University Law School, 27 March 2003).
“Fundamental Principles of NAFTA Investment Protection” (East Sussex, UK: Queen’s University, 2 June 2003).
“The International Lawyers and the Warrior Diplomats” (Montreal: McGill University, 4 November 2002).
“What to Do When Foreign Investors Violate International Human Rights Obligations” (Washington, DC: ASIL, 5 October 2002).
“Judicial Review of International Arbitral Awards in Light of Mexico v. Metalclad” (Toronto: OBA, International Law Section, 30 September 2002).
“The Nuts and Bolts of NAFTA Arbitration” (Washington DC: ABA, International Law Section, 11 August 2002).
“The WTO and Reform in China” (Beijing: Judicial Forum, Beijing Management School of Politics & Law, 17 June 2002).
“The Nay Sayers of the NAFTA” (Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute, 2 May 2002).
“NAFTA Chapter 11: A Problem in Need of a Fix or a Fix for Those with a Problem?” (Toronto: University of Toronto Commercial Law Conference, 19 October 2001).
“The Possibilities for Transparency and Third Party Participation in NAFTA Investor State Arbitration” (Monterrey, Mexico: ABA, International Law Section, 11 October 2001).
“A NAFTA Claims Primer” (Boston: Boston Bar Association, 14 May 2001).
“Swimming in the Wake of Myers & Metalclad: Trade, Investment & the Environment under the NAFTA” (Toronto: CBA-O), International Law Section, 18 January 2001).
“No Compensation for Regulatory Expropriation: How a ‘Sound Science’ Test Can Limit Compensation Owed Under the NAFTA” (Boston: ABA & ASIL, 20 October 2000).
“The Phenomenon of Overlapping International Trade Obligations: What Does It Mean for Electronic Commerce?” (Toronto: CBA-O), International Law Section, 30 March 2000).
“Seattle 1999 Update: Services, Investment, Intellectual Property and E-Commerce” (Toronto: CBA-O, International Law Section, 7 December 1999).
“Electronic Commerce, Trade and Culture: Strategic Issues for the WTO” (Toronto: CBA-O, International Law Section, 4 May 1999).
“Regulatory Flexibility and the Financial Industry” (Toronto: INFONEX Senior Management Seminar on Financial Services, 25 October 1995).